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Update purchase of homes Moretusburg

Regional website Belgium

Last year Umicore launched an offer to purchase houses under certain conditions, with the aim of creating a green zone that will improve the quality of life in the neighbourhood. We would like to inform you of the current state of affairs.

Zone 1

In the zone closest to the factory (zone 1), we will demolish all the purchased houses to make way for the creation of a green zone. At present, more than 90% of the properties have been sold to Umicore. Next year we will gradually start demolishing the houses, each time in rows of adjacent houses. We want to have completed all the demolition work by 2023. The demolition work will be carried out with the necessary precautions to avoid windblown dust. Our top priority is to protect the health and quality of life of the surrounding areas, both during and after the activities.

In addition, Umicore will ensure that the empty houses receive the necessary protection against burglary. For example, the front gardens will be maintained to safeguard the streetscape as long as other houses in the neighbourhood are occupied. Our security service will also regularly patrol the neighbourhood and call in the police if there are any irregularities. 

Zone 2

In zone 2 we are looking for alternative destinations for the purchased houses. For example, residents from zone 1 (without young children) may be able to move to Umicore housing in zone 2. If you are interested, please contact us by email via After consultation with the city council, it was decided that no new purchase files will be processed in this zone after 31 December 2021. Files already being processed will be further handled. The offer to purchase houses in zone 2 only applies to residents with young children (up to 12 years old) and young families with a desire to have children.

Green on the factory site

We are also working on more green zones on our own sites. A first part, located next to the lead refinery, will be prepared for planting this autumn so that we can already create a first additional hectare of greenery in the spring.

Green zone next to the site

In the context of the creation of the green zone outside the factory site (zone 1), we will soon be commissioning an external consultancy to draw up a concrete plan of action for its construction. As soon as the plans offer more clarity, we will come back to you with detailed information.

Do you still want to sell?

It is still possible to express your interest in a possible sale, if you are eligible to do so. In that case you can always contact us by email via

Contact details

If you have any questions or comments about this, you can ask them as always via the known channels:

·        Via email:

·        Via our Facebook page:

·        Via our free number: 0800 93 739